Monday, October 19, 2009

Is your church indispensable in your community?

"The question that church leaders need to ask is not, 'How can we get more people to come to church?' We've been asking that question since the numbers starting turning down in the 1970's. All our solutions together haven't turned the tide of declining church attendance.
Throw in all the mega churches, all the church-growth seminars, all the church marketing, the millions spent on programs and the kitchen sink, and the result is the same: people continue to stay away from church in droves."

In an article written for Ethics, (click here to read it) Chuck Warnock, pastor of Chatham Baptist Church in Chatham, Virginia, discusses the challenge to make our churches indispensable to our communities. He brings up some good questions which each church will have to answer through their own work with God.
I first saw the article on an email from my friend, Keith Herron. I thought it might make for a good read. I hope you enjoy it.

God be with you on the Journey!

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