Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Loss, Heaven's Gain

We lost a saint today at about 6:00 AM. My 92 year-old friend, Cornelia Gates, passed away. She was not a member of our church, but I saw her almost every week for about the past 3 years. She loved Jesus with all her heart. Cornelia would brighten up any room she went into and I don't ever remember leaving her presence without her saying she loved me and many more compliments along with that great honor. She was beautiful both inside and out. She loved her family and she still spread God' great love in the nursing home where she lived.
Many people have heard me tell the story, so I will just put it in short form. One day when I went to the nursing home for my regular Tuesday Bible Study, I was having a terrible day. I was mad and upset and just not getting over it. Cornelia didn't come to the study, but as Ron Kipp was playing the final song and I was still brooding mad, I felt God touch me. I felt some hands on the back of my neck touch me and just minister grace and peace with great power. Then as the song ended, she leaned down and kissed me on my cheek. I knew God was loving me through Cornelia Gates.
I am a better man for having known Cornelia. Thank you God and thank you Cornelia for loving me! I hope everyone has a Cornelia in their life.
God be with you on the Journey!

1 comment:

  1. Cornelia was a woman that touched so many lives and a true inspiration of love and family!
