Thursday, May 5, 2011

We learned something from that

On March 24th I flew back to Missouri to work on my parent's farm.  We (my brother, my parents and me) are trying to switch from a grain based feeding program to a totally grass-fed system for the cattle.  I had done this with some steers a few years ago, so I was trying to get the foundation work done so Dad and Darin could make it work for the spring and summer.  There was a lot to be done and we did not get as much done as I was hoping.  I finally got one section of pasture all separated into paddocks with electric fence and got the fencer working.  This took a couple of days.  We decided to put the cattle in the paddock the morning before I flew back to Virginia. 
   It was a mess!  The cattle just walked right though the electric fence.  I ran (something a 44 year old over-weight preacher doesn't do often) around trying to get them back where they belonged, very frustrated.  Then we just took them out of that section of pasture.  Even though it was only 35 degrees out, I was hot, sweaty, angry, etc. etc.  I felt like a total failure.  All of that work down the toilet.  I had just caused more work for Darin and Dad.  What was I thinking?  I don't remember exactly what he said, but Dad basically said, "That was not a failure, we learned something from that." 
   He was correct.  We had learned something.  The cattle had never been around electric fence out in an open pasture like that.  They had to be trained to respect the electric fence.  I was trying to rush the process to fit my schedule, instead of taking the time necessary for it to really work correctly.  The failure was a learning process. 
    My brother set up an electric fence in the middle of a larger section of pasture.  The water source on one side and the area to feed hay on the other side.  The cattle had to walk around the fence to feed and drink.  They learned.  Now they are doing well with the electric fence.  Pictures taken 4/17/2011.
     In our lives and faith communities, we can learn from our failures if we are willing.  We just have to be willing to risk enough to have the failures.  Don't be afraid to fail and learn.

God be with you in the Journey!

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