Monday, May 11, 2009

Relating To God

Many things have spurred me on to think about how we relate to God this past week. We had a great baccalaureate Sunday night (May 10,2009) where many students from different denominations were able to participate and three teachers spoke. I was just amazed at how God wove it together and how I saw so many different aspects of how we relate to God. I spent a while talking to Travis Monday morning about how so many folks see relating to God as either relationship based or truth (rules) based. We both opted for a “both and” rather than an “either or” idea. Without relationship, we have nothing, but truth is part of the relationship. Then, as always, I read Robert Francis’ Signals on Monday too. Robert was able to travel to George Fox Seminary in Newburg, Oregon to talk about An American Theology of the Land. Again I am challenged by how to relate to God as Robert said, “Many good words were shared concerning the crisis situation in which we have placed ourselves and the desperate need to turn and walk in a good way with both Land and Creator.”
So what is the “good way” for us to relate to God (Creator)? Often times our denominationally specific methods just produce pride and selfishness that makes us too institution focused and not enough God focused. Richard Rohr says, “The Bible moves us from sacred place (why the temple had to go) or sacred action (why the Law had to be relativized) or mental belief systems (why Jesus has no prerequisites in this regard) to time itself as sacred time.”
So, maybe we don’t focus as much on our relating to God in the future (the glorious eternity of heaven) or the past (my sin is so great) and focus more on relating to God right now, right here, right how I am. That means we have to accept His great love and forgiveness and move on into the meat of our relationship. To wallow in our sin or just live for heaven keeps us from being with Him NOW. That is what we were created for. More on this later. Let me know what you think.
God be with you on your journey!


  1. How true it is and easy to wallow, not live in the moment. I never really thought about it too much but sometimes we can get so stuck on what has happened in the past we forget that the Lord has forgiven us, now we need to forgive ourselves and MOVE ON with our relationship with God making it stronger, revitalized and healthy.

  2. Forgiving self is the hardest thing to do for many of us. I think that effects our relationships in general and specifically with God as much as anything.
